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/work/ - Lukas Engelhardt

✌︎ Graphic Design etc ✌︎
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> Video Series
> Pandoras Vox (09:03)
> A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace (05:36)
> Bitch Mutant Manifesto (04:48)
> 2016

Over the course of two months I revisited texts written in the early ages of cyber libertarianism and translated them into a series of video works. Humdog, John Perry Barlow and VNS Matrix all discuss the potential of liberation and democratisation intrinsic to cyberspace, but from very different points of views—and it’s failure. All of their essays were written between 1994 and 1996, in the very early times of the www but their prophetic insights prove to be more relevant than ever today.

In the videos, the texts are viewed through the lens of retro browsers like Netscape, recreated with the help of Rhizomes amazing http://oldweb.today/ and are intercepted by 3D objects that move them into a contemporary context.


Text: Humdog (1994)


Text: John Perry Barlow (1996)


Text: VNS Matrix (1996)

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